About us


Growing up as a teenager, poetry might have actually seemed boring and unnecessary... However, when loneliness, love, or heartbreak suddenly catches you unaware, and all of a sudden, no none seems to get the puzzle that is the inner you, then poetry can stand in to be the silent confessor. 


In Lebanon, most of the population is trilingual, so English and French are often more focused on rather than our native Arabic. But to me, I’ve always been fascinated by Arabic more than any other language… It’s huge count of words that surpass most, if not all, languages -over twelve million distinct words- and the very unique pronunciations. In the journey of finding a confessor, Arabic did provide the perfect essence of every single feeling. 


That’s where I decided to start the expedition of conveying the beauty of Arabic to all the Arab world. By starting a social media page that displays Arabic poetry content in a modern creative, gen z-like way. Along the previous year I’ve been receiving thousands of messages from people from different Arab countries expressing how they’re getting closer to Arabic poetry and starting to dive more in Arabic literature. 


That’s when the idea of Andaluse was born. Just when I decided to turn our literary bank into pieces that could be worn and gifted in our daily life… As a way of bringing people closer to their history and making it more familiar. 


-Noah Mukadem